FY25 AttendanceK12 1-year Full-Suite License

Suggested District Price: $3.70

USPS First-Class letters will be $1.05 per letter.

This bundle contains the attendance, discipline, and student success modules.

AttendanceK12 is a software solution that provides a real-time, interactive workflow to address students who have met one of many thresholds of chronic absenteeism according to Ohio’s House Bill 410. It is designed to create a linear workflow and process for staff who are tasked with mitigating chronic absenteeism so they spend less time looking at reports and more time making meaningful contact with the parents.

With AttendanceK12 you can:
» Automate calculations based on each attendance code and track thresholds without running reports or manual calculations.
» Track correspondence with parents and guardians and generate meeting summaries and absence intervention plans.
» Mail letters and send emails or text messages to parents with a single click. No more printing and mailing individual letters to parent.

This product is on a 1-year commitment agreement, running through 06/30/2025. Pricing and term will co-term to these dates.


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